analogy that highlight today's discussion.
Paul, you are good at what you do. You allowed me to feel safe enough to step out of my box, even if to step into another box, it was a good trick, but I am one box away from where I started. The fact is, I made progress, moved from point A to point B. I hope to continue to step out from one box to the next and the next and next. If we flatten down this analogy into two-dimensions, those boxes become squares and those squares become sidewalks when placed one next to the other. And I shall skip and frolic my way from one square to the next, far away from the point in which I started out at. I will follow the path that will lead me towards that wonderful vanishing point in the distant, so we can safely resume our journey in a three-dimensional world.
"Choked amid clouds of ash gray and the bottles collected, green and amber, my movements - as slow as they may be - are apparitions; I am a ghost. I read. I write. I slowly pass from room to room to the outside terrace; I'll sit. I'll shift. I'll turn in position - I am the mode of my unconscious - I am the unquiet mind's vehicle; my name is Ben. This is me - this is my title - this is my Story."
""White Tiger" When not disturbed, the white tiger is calm, collected, and majestic. It lays in peace and goes about doing whatever makes it comfortable and content. This is the time when external forces can't break its peace. But the moment the white tiger steps out to face the surrounding world, stress and agitation once again take their place."

"As an artist and dancer, I have always loved to move around. I think best by moving. It may seem frantic and uncomfortable, but it works for me. Dance is good for my body and my mind. It also allows me to let go and concentrate deeply. This meditative state allows me to have deep thoughts."

"Choked amid clouds of ash gray and the bottles collected, green and amber, my movements - as slow as they may be - are apparitions; I am a ghost. I read. I write. I slowly pass from room to room to the outside terrace; I'll sit. I'll shift. I'll turn in position - I am the mode of my unconscious - I am the unquiet mind's vehicle; my name is Ben. This is me - this is my title - this is my Story."

""White Tiger" When not disturbed, the white tiger is calm, collected, and majestic. It lays in peace and goes about doing whatever makes it comfortable and content. This is the time when external forces can't break its peace. But the moment the white tiger steps out to face the surrounding world, stress and agitation once again take their place."
[ Current format; too structured, graphic-like, clean, neat, orderly, too sterile, everything is contained, edited.
[ Edit: that was the key word of the meeting.
[ Editing is often a good thing. It is a very good thing. But for this particular project, edit stunt the growing process. Editing put things in nice, neat boxes, which is no good, not now, not for this.
[ The main image, the one hour worth of humanism, feelings, emotions, human behavior, ruthless behavior, uncertain thoughts, mechanic movement, physical gestures, busy body, mindless actions, movement, etc. All these things render themselves to be 'unedited' in the image.
[ Text: the same treatment needs to happen to the text for it to yield the same result as the image. It needs to render itself to be un-edited, un-composed, wild and raw.
[ Shift and Nudge Effect: Add unedited text - change to the layout - change to placement - change to scale of different components... reconfiguring lots of things.
[ I am too graphic designer-ly programmed. Paul came to the rescue, for this project, at least.
[ Book format: very good chance for that to be the end product. This work, Paul and I agree on, is definitely fit for book work. There are work made for the walls, there are some made for the private self, and there are work made to be unraveled from between two covers; a back and a front cover. There are other kinds out there, but those are the three for now.
[ Revised format might consist of three columns, one for the main image, one for the unruly text, and the third portrait.
[ Constant variables: Individually photographed, individual event, individual reflection on event.
MY AGENDA FOR NOW: collect more data, expand demographic, and be more jello-like.
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